There are many problems and issues that need to be solved with transportation. Just take a quick look at the issues we have pointed out below. Maybe you could be the one to fix one of these problems.
- Large increases in urban population
- These huge increases in population greatly increase many of the following problems
- Traffic congestion
- In large cities bigger populations mean more people going to and from work, the grocery store and the gym, leading to huge traffic jams with stop and go traffic wasting resources
- Parking difficulty
- There is a limited space for all of these people park their car at their destination causing people to park where they are not supposed to and creating additional road rage
- Public transport inadequacy
- Public transit should be more economical and more widely used
- Difficulties for pedestrians
- The huge amount of cars, trucks and buses can make walking extremely dangerous
- Loss of public space
- There is a limited space for all of these people park their car at their destination causing people to park where they are not supposed to and creating additional road rage
- Environmental impacts
- The exhaust from vehicles release hazardous gases that can pollute the enviroment, harm the ozone layer, and increase global warming
- Energy consumption
- A huge percent of the total amount of energy created is used for transportation
- Accidents and safety
- In the United States 44% of accidental deaths are caused by motor vehicles
- Land consumption
- A huge amount of resources extracted from the ground are used in the construction and operation of vehicles
- Automobile Dependency
- People rely on cars for going everywhere even though the are many other more effiecient methods of transportation available such as buses, trains, and bicycles
11 / 20 / 08 - The forums are up and running, feel free to check out how we are going to have things set up.
11 / 19 / 08 - The Transport the Future main site is now online. Make sure you take a look at the transportation ideas, problems, and "The Next Step."
11 / 11 / 08 - The Transport the Future server setup and the coming soon page added.
11 / 02 / 08 - TransportTheFuture.com was purchased.