Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin pede. Vestibulum a nibh. Aenean sit amet sem. Mauris tincidunt libero. Morbi a felis. Integer fringilla eleifend enim. Vestibulum a lectus. Proin tincidunt. Pellentesque adipiscing, ligula in adipiscing cursus, felis urna luctus ipsum, quis volutpat lorem nisl ut quam. Nulla facilisi. Sed accumsan diam vel tortor pellentesque egestas. Mauris sagittis odio sed nisi. Nullam faucibus, nulla in pretium fringilla, nisl odio vulputate nunc, a condimentum mi nulla ac magna. Phasellus rutrum elit in dolor. Vivamus dictum feugiat urna. Sed malesuada tempus neque.
Mauris sagittis, magna pretium condimentum semper, metus lacus ornare lacus, non viverra est orci sit amet purus. Phasellus arcu tellus, consequat sed, bibendum in, iaculis nec, nibh. Quisque elit arcu, placerat sed, adipiscing non, hendrerit in, pede. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras adipiscing egestas sem. In dignissim libero non arcu. Integer gravida. In at massa vehicula mi iaculis aliquam. Nunc auctor ornare nisl. Phasellus eget libero. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam urna diam, suscipit sed, rhoncus ut, adipiscing id, nibh. Nunc sed felis sed tortor sagittis placerat. Nunc molestie consectetuer odio.
Quisque elit arcu, placerat sed, adipiscing non, hendrerit in, pede. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras adipiscing egestas sem.
You came up with a new idea or invention that can help change the world of transportation, what is the next step. What can you do to take your idea to the next level?
Make sure you head over to our forums and post your idea in the "New Ideas" section. Please include a description to help illustrate your idea. Fellow members of the site can then give you feedback on if they believe it is possible and what improvements could be made.
Once your idea is approved in the "New Ideas" section it will be moved to the "Ideas in Progress" forum. Here you will be encouraged to expand upon your idea and start to look at it from all angles. You will be able to update your idea and get feedback from what other think.
When you get most of the kinks worked out and your idea is almost complete it will be moved to the "Advanced Ideas" section.
It is now your time to change the world. It is time to submit your idea to companies / governments to get your idea out to the world. There are many resources you can use at this point such as: